Research Groups

You get the details of the research groups by clicking on the circles.

research Aqueous GeochemistryNaturhistorisches Museum BernGeotechnics and Natural PhenomenaLaboratory for Waste Management (LES)Department of GeosciencesWyss Academy for Nature Center for Space and Habitability (CSH) Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research (OCCR) Rock-Water Interaction Metamorphic Geochemistry Computational Petrology and Geochemistry Petrology Deep Fluids Geochemistry Environmental Geochemistry Mineralogical Crystallography Mineralogy Lithosphere Evolution Isotope Geology Tectonics, Structural Geology Quaternary Geology and Paleoclimatology Exogene Geology Secondary Raw Materials Glacial Geology Sediment Dynamics Tectonic Laboratory Sedimentary Geochemistry

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