
Research of the Deep Fluids Geochemistry group members employs multidisciplinary approaches to enhance our understanding of the fluid-mediated geochemical cycling in subduction zones. These processes ultimately govern how Earth and possibly other planets work and, therefore, exert great impact on our society and welfare. We employ element and isotope geochemistry combined with metamorphic and igneous petrology, and most of our research initiatives are based on rigorous field studies. We emphasize diverse in-situ analytical techniques (LA-ICP-MS; EPMA; SIMS, IR spectroscopy, SEM, Raman) to quantify the mobile phases and to determine key element distribution coefficients between coexisting phases. We currently focus on REDOX systematics of hydrous mantle rocks and fluid-mediated redox budget and mass transfer with their progressive subduction down to subarc depth, starting at oceanic hydration metasomatism.

We advance Laser ablation ICP-MS analytical techniques development to solve problems in the geosciences and materials sciences, with an emphasis on geochemistry to petrology to isotope geochemistry to hydrothermal geochemistry. See for example our recent contributions on LA-ICP-MS major to trace element mapping or on radiometric dating of "uncommon" minerals. We have long been at the forefront of the analysis of entire, unexposed fluid and melt inclusions in various minerals; see our review on the LA-ICP-MS analysis of inclusions in minerals (request the pdf).


Research group Deep Fluids Geochemistry